DofE and my experience

DofE is a development program for teenagers and young adults (14 – 24). In this program there are three progressive levels (bronze, silver, and gold). When you end one of them, you’ll get a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (for your progressive level). Achieving the Award isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal […]

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The dark part of the internet: Dark web

Internet is worldwide public system of interconnected computers, used by 4.5 billion people. If you are reading this article than you are one of them. Things of the internet that you are using every day, respectively what you can get to more easily (on the internet) is only small percentage of the whole internet. We can say that web is composed by three layers. The first one is called “Surface […]

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Artificial intelligence and how it works

When we are talking about artificial intelligence, we need to define, what intelligence is. We can define it as “the ability to take effective steps to achieve a goal”. Goal can be for example playing chess. You learn the rules that thanks to your intelligence can be used effectively to defeat your opponent. Artificial intelligence […]

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My experience in FIRST® LEGO® League

FIRST® LEGO® League (or FLL) is a competition for kids with 4 – 16 years of age. Kids and teenagers can compete in three different age categories. FLL brings science, engineering, and math to their competitors through practical learning. Competitors of this robotic-oriented program, which helps students build a better future also give skills to solve real problems. This […]

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Scouting and me

Scouting is an educational movement/system focused on developing young people’s personalities. Scout is a member of the scout organization, which participates in scout activities and programs. Scouts are mostly young people, but some scout organizations can also have programs for adults. The idea of scouting is supporting personal development of young people through outdoor activities, […]

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CrossFit and my opinion

CrossFit is a kind of exercise that mixes different activities like gymnastics, lifting weights, running, rowing, and more. The idea of CrossFit is to make a sport that includes many body movements, gets you in good shape, and makes you flexible. A lot of people in the fitness world like CrossFit. It’s for athletes and for regular people too. CrossFit workouts are known for their […]

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Starbucks is a bank that’s not governed by law

Starbucks is a very popular coffee company, which can be found in every major city worldwide. It sells more than eight million cups of coffee every day and has more drink combinations, than its branches. Also, Starbucks has $1.5 billion dollars from their app, which is the most popular in the restaurant rewards section. That’s more than customers have stored in 85% of American banks. This app, […]

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ONLINE: Nukleárna vojna ako nehoda? Ruské jadrové zbrane sú v dosahu ukrajinských rakiet a dronov

ONLINE: Nukleárna vojna ako nehoda? Ruské jadrové zbrane sú v dosahu ukrajinských rakiet a dronov

06.11.2024 06:30

Ako sa môže vojna na Ukrajine preklopiť do nukleárnej, naznačuje americký magazín Foreign Affairs. Ruské jadrové zbrane sú príliš blízko frontu.

Trump môže povedať Putinovi: Zober si všetko, čo už máš a vojnu skonči. Ukrajina ho nezaujíma

Trump môže povedať Putinovi: Zober si všetko, čo už máš a vojnu skonči. Ukrajina ho nezaujíma

06.11.2024 15:13

Zahraničnopolitický redaktor Pravdy Andrej Matišák americkú politiku sleduje roky. Čo podľa neho Trumpovo víťazstvo pre svet aj Slovensko znamená?

Vláda schválila odpustky za pandémiu. Podľa Fica bude stačiť 3,3 milióna eur. PS: Výsmech slušným ľuďom

Vláda schválila odpustky za pandémiu. Podľa Fica bude stačiť 3,3 milióna eur. PS: Výsmech slušným ľuďom

06.11.2024 10:38

"Nie je to až tak veľa, ako sme čakali, toto zvládneme," vyhlásil premiér a upozornil, že odškodnenie je len prvý krok pri preverovaní obdobia pandémie.


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