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Autor: took300


Artificial intelligence and how it works

When we are talking about artificial intelligence, we need to define, what an intelligence is. We can define it as “the ability to take effective steps to achieve a goal”. Goal can be for example playing chess. You learn the rules that thanks to your intelligence can be used effectively to defeat your opponent. Artificial intelligence called “DEEP BLUE” programmed precisely for this […]

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My experience in FIRST® LEGO® League

FIRST® LEGO® League (or FLL) is a competition for kids with 4 – 16 years of age. Kids and teenagers can compete in three different age categories. FLL brings science, engineering and math to their competitors through a practical learning. Competitors of this robotic oriented program, which helps students build their better future also give skills to solve real problems. This competition also […]

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Scouting and me

Scouting is an educational movement/system focused on developing young people’s personalities. Scout is a member of the scout organization, which participates in scout activities and programs. Scouts are mostly young people, but some scout organizations can also have programs for adults. The idea of scouting is supporting personal development of young people through outdoor activities, […]

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CrossFit and my opinion

CrossFit is a kind of exercise that mixes different activities like gymnastics, lifting weights, running, rowing, and more. The idea of CrossFit is to make a sport that includes many body movements, gets you in good shape, and makes you flexible. A lot of people in the fitness world like CrossFit. It’s for athletes and for regular people too. CrossFit workouts are known for their […]

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Starbucks is a bank that’s not governed by law

Starbucks is a very popular coffee company, which can be found in every major city worldwide. It sells more than eight million cups of coffee every day and has more drink combinations, than its branches. Also, Starbucks has $1.5 billion dollars from their app, which is the most popular in the restaurant rewards section. That’s more than customers have stored in 85% of American banks. This app, […]

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ONLINE: Svet musí prinútiť Rusko k mieru: Zelenskyj sa spolieha na švajčiarsky summit. Podľa Kremľa je jeho osud spečatený

ONLINE: Svet musí prinútiť Rusko k mieru: Zelenskyj sa spolieha na švajčiarsky summit. Podľa Kremľa je jeho osud spečatený

29.04.2024 06:25

Obloha nad Ukrajinou bude najnebezpečnejším miestom, kde lietadlá F-16 vo svojej histórii operovali, uviedli bývalí americkí piloti pre Business Insider.

Ďalšia nehoda politika, Spišiak narazil do plota: Oslepilo ma slnko, vysypali sa na mňa papieriky

Ďalšia nehoda politika, Spišiak narazil do plota: Oslepilo ma slnko, vysypali sa na mňa papieriky

28.04.2024 16:54

Poslanec Progresívneho Slovenska Jaroslav Spišiak mal dopravnú nehodu, narazil do plota.

Expert z Ukrajiny: Rozhodujeme sa, či zachránime mestá alebo vojakov

Expert z Ukrajiny: Rozhodujeme sa, či zachránime mestá alebo vojakov

29.04.2024 06:00

Myšlienka predčasných rokovaní o mieri na Ukrajine nie je veľmi populárna, hoci stále viac ľudí v politickom vedení štátu aj vo verejnosti nad ňou uvažuje.

Prieskum: Smer vedie, ale PS a Hlas sú blízko. V parlamente by boli aj SNS a Republika

Prieskum: Smer vedie, ale PS a Hlas sú blízko. V parlamente by boli aj SNS a Republika

28.04.2024 14:45

Najvyššie preferencie v apríli má strana Smer, ktorá by získala 21,1 percenta hlasov. V parlamente by bolo podľa prieskumu Focusu 7 strán.


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